
I, Jane Simmonds, am a registered sole trader. The privacy of your personal information is of great importance, and this privacy policy includes the types of personal information I receive and collect, and how I protect your information. I will never share your personal information with any third party without your consent unless required to do so by law or for tax audit purposes.

Who do I collect data about?

  • previous, current and prospective clients
  • users of this website

How do I collect this information?

  • from direct contact when enquiring about my services via email or telephone
  • when we enter into an agreement or contract
  • via this website (anonymous data collected via Google Analytics to improve how this website performs)

What information do I collect from you?

  • name
  • postal address
  • email address
  • telephone number if applicable
  • information needed to process your enquiry (relating to the project)
  • documents relevant to the project
  • information regarding fees, hours worked, schedules, all pertaining to the project

What information does my website collect?

What do I use your information for?

  • to respond to your enquiry
  • to communicate terms and conditions
  • to fulfil agreements/contracts with you
  • to discuss availability for future projects
  • to keep tax and business records
  • to invoice you

How do I store your data?

  • I store your data on my password-protected computer and backup hard drive. 
  • My email account is password protected, and my mobile phone requires a PIN to access data. 

How long do I keep your data?

I keep information for at least 5 years, as required by HMRC. After that I will archive it.

Who do I share your data with?

I do not share your data with anyone without your consent, unless required to do so by law or for tax audit purposes. 

Data removal or modification