
The final stage after your text has been copyedited and laid out into pages

Corrections at this stage are usually minimal, but it’s the last chance to make sure your text is working well and looks how you want it to look on the page. I will carry out some or all of the following checks if they are relevant to your text:

  • correct essential spelling, punctuation and grammar errors
  • ensure style is consistent in accordance with style guidelines
  • layout looks correct and consistent
  • pagination and running heads are correct
  • tables, figures and illustrations all correctly numbered and positioned with captions
  • cross references are correct
  • finalise table of contents, list of figures
  • mark up corrections on PDFs or hard copy.

“Jane is a reliable and responsive freelancer. She has done an excellent job of proofreading our training resources. I would not hesitate to use Jane again.”
Lisa Fraley, Thrive

“I have always found Jane a thoughtful and thorough proofreader, making a wide range of comments on everything from spelling to font format. Her ability to work from digital spreads is particularly helpful – especially when projects have a tight schedule.”
Toby Mann, DK Publishing

To discuss proofreading a project: | 01884 861017 | 07876 166882