
A range of editorial solutions to help your text shine

After seeing a sample of your writing, I will discuss with you what is needed. I will carry out some or all of the following, depending on your requirements and the stage your text is at:

  • suggestions to improve structure, flow and readability
  • rewriting if unclear, or to suit a particular audience or to achieve a desired word count
  • spelling, punctuation and grammar checks
  • drawing attention to potential legal issues
  • ensuring consistency of style (following a house style if you have one, or creating a style sheet) for aspects such as capitalisation, punctuation, numbers, dates, formatting, layout, headings
  • checking and numbering tables, figures and illustrations
  • checking and formatting references, notes and bibliography
  • editing, cutting and fitting text in InDesign layouts
  • marking up using Track Changes in Word (and providing you with a “tracked” version and a “clean” version), or on PDFs or hard copy.

“I must thank you for the wonderfully careful and sustained corrections. You’ve improved the accuracy of text and notes immeasurably. To use an Elizabethan compliment, you are a master of your craft!”
Sir Brian Vickers, author of Recovering Thomas Kyd: a Canon Restored (Princeton University Press)

“Jane is a meticulous and untiring editor. She lavishes as much attention on the third draft of a manuscript as she does on the first.
Ron Sauder, owner, Secant Publishing, LLC

“I’m amazed at how perceptive and attentive you were to my manuscript. Much appreciated.”
Dr Arthur Costigan, Queens College, City University of New York

“Thank you very much for your highly thorough and meticulous work, which has made a real improvement in the quality of the text.”
Dr Graeme Ritchie, University of Aberdeen

To discuss a copyediting project: | 01884 861017 | 07876 166882